Harness the Power of SLS Nylon 3D Printing with Formlabs Technology
In the world of additive manufacturing, Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) stands out as a powerful technology that enables the creation of robust, functional parts with intricate geometries. At dot ...

Elevate Your Projects with Our Comprehensive 3D Services
In today's fast-paced world of innovation and creativity, having access to comprehensive 3D solutions can be the key to unlocking limitless possibilities. At dot 3D FACTORY, we are proud to offer a...

Unlocking Creativity with Multi-Color 3D Printing: The Stratasys J850 PolyJet Technology
n the ever-evolving landscape of additive manufacturing, the quest for vibrant, lifelike 3D prints has led to the emergence of multi-color 3D printing technologies. Among the pioneers in this domai...

Exploring LCD 3D Printing Materials: A Comprehensive Guide
In the dynamic world of LCD 3D printing, material diversity is key to unlocking endless possibilities for innovation and creativity. Beyond standard, high-performance, specialty resins, a wide rang...

Exploring 3D Printing Technologies: Choosing the Right Fit for Your Needs
In the dynamic world of additive manufacturing, selecting the appropriate 3D printing technology is paramount to achieving desired outcomes. With a myriad of options available, each boasting unique...

Unveiling the Wonders of 3D Printing: Principles and Concepts Demystified
In the realm of modern manufacturing, few technologies have captivated imaginations and revolutionized industries quite like 3D printing. Often hailed as the harbinger of a new industrial era, 3D p...


8 Key Features to Know Before Buying the Phrozen Mighty Revo LCD 3D Printer
The Phrozen Mighty Revo LCD 3D Printer boasts not only exceptional performance but also a host of innovative features. Whether you’re a professional designer, engineer, or creative enthusiast, this...

不論是要製作自己設計的3D模型、紀念品,或是要複製機械零件配件,3D打印技術都可以助您實現! 3D打印是一種新興的教育技術,可以讓學生在不同的領域和主題中創造和設計三維的物體。3D打印在教育方面的應用有很多,例如: 人體解剖學:3D打印可以製作出各種人體器官和組織的模型,幫助學生更直觀地理解人體的結構和功能。例如,3D打印的心臟模型可以展示心臟的各個部分和血液的流動1。 分子模型:3...

3D掃描服務/逆向工程 利用專業的掃描儀器將實物轉化成3D檔案,能準確捕捉模型大小和顔色,視乎需要做出修正及調節。 3D繪圖/建模服務 我們的3D繪圖師會就您做提供的尺寸、設計圖、參考圖等資料,將您的想法從平面圖繪畫成3D立體檔案,以供您日後作打印或完善產品。 3D打印服務 我們提供多樣化的3D打印服務,有過百種物料供您選擇。無論是3D打印技術,還是打印物料,我們的團隊都能提供專業意見,...

中小學STEAM教學 我們致力為學校提供高品質的STEAM教育課程,讓學生 在3D打印技術的應用中探索知識,並培養學生的創造力、 解難能力和團隊合作精神。課程可以根據學校需求和預 算定制,內容可以涵蓋3D打印技術的基礎知識、3D建模、 切片軟件、打印機操作等等。 實現學生產品設計 我們能夠透過3D掃描和3D建模將學生的平面設計轉化 為立體圖檔,配合我們的工業級彩色3D打印機,可以打印 出富...

3D Print 乜好? 《車主》用日常Vlog的第一人身方式記錄,帶你去 dot 3D FACTORY,看看3D Printing 如何重塑損毀了的汽車部件齒輪,替車主解難題。立即去片! 大家想了解3D printing應用在哪種生活場景中,都可以留言告訴我們。 https://fb.watch/p3Hr2CeHhm/